Thursday, August 14, 2008

OK, here's the deal. I have not had internet since I moved into my apartment. All kinds of problems getting internet. I tried smoke signals but the smoke couldn't clear the Andes. By the way, those little peaks are at 16,000 feet, mere foothills. Robert and I are going to climb the highest one this summer - Dec. or Jan. - anyway what you can not see behind them are the real Andes 26,000 feet or so.

Oh, don't know if I told you, but one time years ago someone sent me pictures of what is called the most dangerous road in the world. Well, I remembered that it was in Bolivia, so I asked Robert, he's my Counselor, about it. He said it was something he had always wanted to do, so he and I are going to bicycle down it during Thanksgiving. Cool huh! Hope I have time for pictures on the way down.

Anyway, Jody just happend to mention today in an email that I could do this from school. Like I have time. I did not know I could do this here, thought it had to be from my computer. No one tells me anything. Course when I went to the page everything was in Spanish. Finally figured out that Acceder means sign in. So here I am. And here I go back to work

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