Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It is so amazing to me that two people can live together for 44 years, get along fantastically, have a blast together continually, and not understand half of what the other is saying. Venus-Mars, way too close together - should be Men are from Earth / Women from the Romulan Nebuli.

Fact of life is that Apples are just playing the part of Beta to the real PC's. I love the latest defense of Apples - Tomey says - "But Dad, now you can install Windows on the Apples" I love that. If Apples are so great, why are they stealing the Windows systems?

But the real problem is this - regardless of what my Darling wife says. My laptop is ten years old - it has earned the right to get sick once in a while. So it caught a bug - the real problem was the medication I gave it.

Let me explain. It caught a virus (Swine Flu I think). I took it to the doctor and he replaced the Windows system (gave it a brain transplant) and told me it was as good as new. So it was for about three months. Then it's whole personality changed, started acting strange - sound familiar? Wouldn't let me work on the Blog. Then it started begging me to save it - it began to write to me "I am being poisoned - that quack Doctor gave me an Apple for a Brain." Turns out it was right. I took it back in yesterday and found that they did not install a new Brain, they installed a pirated, illegal, fake brain (probably one they took out of a spoiled Apple).

Turns out that down here it is common practice. Course I should have gotten suspicious originally when the bill for replacing the Windows system was $30. (Ok I was a little slow in not picking up on that.) Seems that almost everything here is pirated - there are no copyright laws in Bolivia, just as there are no liquor laws, and no pharmacy laws.

Good and Bad as usual. I was watching the new Wolverine movie on a disc in my home months before it appeared in theaters in the states. The guy again reinstalled a Windows system in my poor, sick computer, making it "good as new" and didn't charge me anything. Turns out the Blog problem is something else entirely - I am at work early doing this..

Ok, yell at me for buying pirated items. Jody did too, but she wanted the Wolverine Disc. Yes, those of you who are yelling, remember that I will be watching the new Harry Potter months before you can go see it in theaters.

Got to get to work


The Howie Lama said...

I use Apple and PC equally. It depends upon what you're doing. I play on my Apple and work on my PC. Of course, I do both of these from my Macbook. ;)

coachwieburg said...

Woos, you are just afraid to take sides!!! How is everything going, Carl is thinking he was to settle in San Antonio now, right in the middle of Jody and Tomey. I am think the French Riviera, probably NOT!
