Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Yada, Yada, Yada
 Actually I used to teach a workshop on Male/Female Communications and since you brought it up-----A better comparison is-

Men communicate like Picasso-- a few bold strokes, a few primary colors, the final picture a hard to interrupt jumble of what the real picture is supposed to be.

Women on the other hand communicate like Monet --lots of delicate detailed strokes,  use of the whole palette of beautiful colors,  and the final picture can be identified easily due to the superior talent of the artist.

But YES, even after 44 years of not having a clue what the other was saying, it is still fun and as you can see from the picture I still hang on tight to my guy!


Anonymous said...

Well, as far as the artsy stuff, i am not very good.. i would say that men are like a set of plans.. clear and defined.. no guesswork..and women are like a watercolor painting that has gotten wet!!!
As far as the pirated Windows or Apples... how can it be pirated if it is not illegal there? i say, can a yard sale version be illegal?
What are the temps there in the winter???
Thanks for the good info and pics that you send. i enjoy them althought haven't been on in a while.

We are getting the Wieburg history from Juanita a little at a time and Clifta and i are going with her the 24th to a decoration.. you remember, Carl, the ones where we had to get up and say verses, etc. i suppose that is where you got your speaking ability in front of people and i lost mine. Will keep you posted and hopefully have something published before long.
Donald Ray

Anonymous said...

You too crack me up and dad I better be getting that Harry Potter SOON!!!
