Sunday, March 29, 2009

Here's the deal. You all know Joeline had a Maltese (Chessie) for 13 years before it died of cancer. A few months before it died, I a bought her another Maltese puppy (Lexie). We had Lexie for about 2 years before we came down here.
We had done all kinds of checking with the airlines before we were leaving the states. First they would say, NO, then yes, but it would have to ride in cargo. Then no because it was too small and might freeze in cargo. Then this, then that.
As we were sitting at the Uniform Center discussing what to do, a very good friend of Joeline's came in. She had a Maltese that she was as devoted to as Joeline had been to Chessie. Her dog had just died of old age. She was telling Joeline about it and they were both crying.
To make a long story a little shorter, Joeline gave Lexie to the lady. Not just to keep for two years, that would have been unfair. She gave Lexie to her.

So, we get down here and find that people transport dogs to and from here all the time. NO Problemo.

So now Joeline is going nuts for a Maltese. We check all over Bolivia - literally - thru newspapers, internet, etc. No Maltese for sale here. Everything from Muts to Great Pyrannese, but no Malteses.

She finds one for sale in BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA. Only a short eight hour, over a $1000 airline flight, for two, away.

So, on next Saturday we fly to BA to buy a dog!

Course, one of the places we said we wanted to visit when we got here was BA. She wants to see where EVA is buried and she wants to learn to Tango in the country where it was invented. So, I have booked us a B&B for five nights, booked Tango lessons with a professional instructor, and am having the dog owner get all the paperwork, shots, etc.

Joeline is beside herself, she can't wait. So, today she got a kitten. (don't ask!)


Anonymous said...

you guys are sooo funny! And forget it Tomey can not have the cat!!!

coachwieburg said...

You may have signed this anonymous but I bet you initials are JW! Well that did not narrow it down, but I bet Tomey Too calls you Mommy!