Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hundreds of years ago a Spanish Conqueror named Don Felipe de Urriola y Goitgia came to Bolivia seeking Gold and Silver. What he found was a beautiful Ayorean Princess named Anahi. They fell in love and the tribe gave them permission to marry. For a wedding present the tribe gave the Princess and her new husband a dowry of a large, crystal, bi-clored stone. It came from their own mine.
Goitgia was not interested in the stone, he was after gold and silver.

Finally, not finding what he was looking for, he made plans to return to Spain with his new wife. The tribe was very upset and sacrificed Anahi to appease their gods. As she lay dying she handed the stone to her husband.

He realized that the two-colored stone represented the heart of Anahi, divided in two parts; the love toward her people and the love toward her husband.

That mine is still in existence today. It is the only mine in the world where Bolivianite is found, and it is here in Bolivia. The only way to get there is a 20 hour boatride up a tributary of the Amazon. Bolivianite is also called Ametrino, and it is the natural union of Citrine and Amethyst. It was produced thousands of years ago by the crash of two electromagnetic forces that imprinted this peculiarity. It is a stone that has a diversity of color starting with a delicate yellow, through shades of lilac, to reach deep violet.

This special, invisible union between the Citrine and the Amethyst makes the Bolivianite the stone of eternal love.

The stone above is one of these. I found a store that specalizes in them and had to get one for Joeline. (Very inexpensive)


tomeyj said...

quit spending my inheritance ;)

coachwieburg said...

You are so romantic! Can you give Bill some lessons!

robin said...

What a great story! I wonder if they have a website...

Good to know you're doing good! What a great place to be!

I guess you've heard by now the old HS caught on fire again...a small one...but i couldn't help but roll my eyes!!!

robin howell

Anonymous said...

Children are not allowed to respond to fathers blog.