Sunday, September 14, 2008

I went to the Iranian restaurant last night. You show up at about 10:00 for dinner. First pic is of the owners son, who is a student in Chile at a music academy. He is home on vacation. Very good musician. The guy with the drum is amazing. The seoond pic. is the same guy playing what he called a (spelling?) Digidu.
I was truly fascinated by the music he could get out of that thing.
Third pic. is my dinner. Persian dish. Very good. Fourth pic. is some old guy and the owners youngest son (one studying in Chile)


Anonymous said...

Dinner looks REALLY good!

What are you missing (food wise) most. ( i know people wise it is your daughter :)


Anonymous said...

I know what he misses food wise, tacos!!!!! Mine, I make the best, just ask him.
