Monday, September 15, 2008

To get an explanation on what these are you have to go down three sets. I am too much of a straight line thinker to turn things around. Never make a politician.

First is out the arm hole, another view of the city. This was supposed to be in last set but repeated first set instead. Understand?
Second pic. is of the lake in Coachabamba. No fish, no jet skis, no usea de lakee at alle. I am told it is heavily polluted. Until just recently they ran raw sewage into it. Currently trying to clean it up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicole, my youngest daughter, just got back from India - a mission trip with the church. They also had the raw sewage there. The men urinated in the streets - woman had a 3 sided covered hole they used. Their veggies were all fertilized with human waste..she said nearly all the children had worms and lice. This was in a very uncivilized area of India tho.
Am enjoying your blogsite!!!