Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Let's talk dentistry. I have had to go to the dentist down here. He has completely drilled out one tooth that I thought had to have a root canal. He took a mold of the "hole" today and is having a tooth made - matched colors, etc. I don't know if you call it a crown or cap or whataever the term is, but he is building a new tooth. He it doing the same to a top tooth. He has filled two other teeth. Before he did anything, he took a lot of xrays.
Modern? He takes the xray while he stands there, then he and I immediatley look at the xray on the tv screen and discuss the cavity.
All of this drilling and filling and you know how much anathesia he gave me. None, zilch, nada. Never felt a thing, actually went to sleep at one time.
All of this in the states would have been $3000-$5000. My total bill is $162.

The pictures are my view from his office. Gee life is tough in South America. I just hope they don't have a war before Joeline gets down here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Went just yesterday for a "see what is going on appt." One x-ray and about 10 min. of his time. Wrote a check for $56. have to come back later and get a tooth filled. Wonder how much that will cost?

Think can wait till summer?